Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Performance Bicycles

Here is a picture of our very most favorite bike shop in Portland, OR. There are lots of reasons why we like it here so much, selection, good prices, good inventory, quality products...but the biggest reason would be that the people that work at this store are pretty cool. They are knowlegeable, attentive, fair and honest and they don't push anyone to buy a bike. They take their time with each customer, to get the best "fit" and they offer excellent service. We have sent several people to purchase their bikes from this shop and all came back with excellent reviews. The people that work at this particular shop love bikes and quite honestly, I think that's a good quality in a bike shop employee. I have heard great things about the other Performance Shops in the Portland area too. Stop by the shop sometime and check them out...

Bike Gallery isn't THAT cool.

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