Monday, September 01, 2008

Cycling Month Has Come To An End...

August went by so quickly, but it sure was a lot of fun! With cycling events every weekend you would think that I would be tired of being on my bike, but I'm not. This month I logged more miles than I have in past months and did quite a bit of bike commuting to work. There is one more cycling event that we will ride - the Peach of a Century - which we plan to ride the full century since that was my goal for the beginning of the cycling season.

Fast Twitch Fridays
Friday night we went to Alpenrose for the final Fast Twitch Fridays which was fun. We packed some food and the chairs and camped out to watch the final of the series which was a lot of sprints and points racing. The interesting part was that there were times that a woman would race against a man in a sprint and some of those women are FAST; It was hard to believe that some of those women could race so fast and actually beat the men!

The next time we go to Alpenrose it will be during our vacation and it will be all Madison races which will be cool because I have not had a chance to see that. I like some really good racing, track, road, criteriums....really anything that involves bicycles!

Tom's capturing some cycling action

Sprints Race

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