Thursday, June 11, 2009


or – Northwest Cancer Specialists.

Another milestone - today I had my yearly follow-up appointment with my radiation oncologist for treatments that I went thru almost 5 years ago. Every visit has been brief, with my doc having me do little tasks for her to assess my neuros. Every visit…nothing new. This time she decided since my progress since ending treatments has been going well that this visit would be my last visit with her. I have to say that I wondered if this would be a possibility. I’m glad! She gave me a hug and I thanked her for everything and I was on my way…but not before giving Sandy, the radiation department nurse a hug. She definitely is/was one of my favorite people at that office.

It would be wishful thinking for me to want to discontinue my visits with my other two doctors, but I need to be mindful of this brain tumor thing and keep an eye on it. There is just no way to know if there is anything funky going on so the only thing I have going for peace of mind would be the MRIs I have every six months. I’ll take those and my visits with Dr. Kate and Dr. Norm.

God has been so good…I am thankful for this experience and having enough faith to trust that He would work all this out for good.

I am blessed.

1 comment:

Be kind...I know where you live (probably)