Sunday, June 07, 2009

Pioneer Century

The Pioneer Century was yesterday, June 6. This ride starts at the Clackamas County Fairgrounds in Canby and goes out thru the farms around the area.

It wasn't that great of a day for ride really, but we set out and rode anyway. I have to be honest, I did not enjoy this ride at all...from the beginning of the ride I just wasn't feeling all that great, a little sickly. I had hoped to feel better, but it just wasn't happening.

The other thing that I was confused about was which route we actually were on. At the beginning there were 3 markers and neither of us really paid attention to which one belonged to what route. We started the same as we did last year, but I think we ended up making a turn before we should have and ended up on a multiuse trail. Which was cool...but I knew it wasn't right if we were going to ride 45 miles first. We finally reach the point where the two routes split. and it turns out we were on the 55/34 routes. We went with the 34 and things were going okay, but still wasn't feeling all that great. The wind and some of the bumpy portions of the route did not help either.

At the half-way point I started to wonder if there was going to be a rest stop. After a while I started thinking maybe there wouldn't be - turned out to be about 20 miles into the route. I knew for sure at the point when we stopped that I would be done after 34 miles. I was just plain unhappy and feeling a bit cranky.

This week was a little stressful with my uncle being in the hospital and dealing with work stuff. I normally am excited to go on big organized rides, I guess I should have known - next year will be better we'll do what we signed up for! Until then we have a few other events to participate in which will be fun.

We just look at this as a training opportunity.

At the start before heading out.
Our only other shot while on the road, at the rest stop (yes it is a self-portrait)

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