Sunday, February 08, 2009

Big Long Ride

Yesterday Tom and I met Mark & Robin at their house for a long ride...longer than any ride that we have done at this time of the year. We did the I-205 to Interstate Bridge Ride or what I call Bridge to Bridge which was 39 miles for Tom and I starting from our house. It was a perfect day, almost warm and we even sat outside at the Heritage Place Starbucks. We thought it was the sun that was keeping us warm until we found that there are heaters above the outside tables! Now that is fancy!
Outside of M & R's House
Tom' took a self-portrait while he was waiting for us to return with the beverages

Getting ready to head out again Ooooh....pretty bikes!

1 comment:

  1. What fun! You guys are amazing, but I must say Mark's sweet hat beats everything.:) I can't believe you can go 39 miles against the wind and cold, and end smiling! Awesome...


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