Wednesday, August 31, 2016

How Much Is A Gallon Of Milk?

That is an interesting question for this last day of August, but okay. I really don't know how much a gallon of milk costs because we buy good milk from a "local" dairy that is available at the newest grocery store to hit our area.

We have been buying Twin Brook Creamery milk which is located in Lynden, WA as far north as you can get from where we live in Clark County, WA.

I have never really been a milk drinker. The taste of what I am used to is just not so great. The first time I saw this milk at Chuck's it took a while before we started buying just plain ol' milk as I was buying the pint bottles of chocolate milk. Even the chocolate milk is the best I have had...EVER! It's not sweet, but very chocolatey. Not terrible rich either, just very, very tasty!

When you find milk in a bottle - buy it! You will not regret it.

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