Monday, August 29, 2016

What Would You Like To Learn More About?

Well, there's a question!

Chickens, permaculture, homesteading, bee keeping, fall gardening...CSA's, farm stands, market gardening...

and on and on and on.

To help me along this endeavor I got The Market Gardener by Jean Martin Fortier and Four Season Harvest by Eliot Coleman. I watch Justin Rhodes of Abundant Permaculture for inspiration and am in the process of experimenting with how things grow, when they grow best and whether plant starts or starting from seed is best. I want to learn how to extend the garden season and hope to get some seeds started in the next few days, weeks and the next month. All of this effort to feel satisfied with knowing where our food is coming from, that it is being grown without funky stuff and to know that there won't be waste - that's where the chickens come in handy.

I am not going into this expecting to be rich. What I want is to be tired at the end of the day because I'm doing more good for the earth and my potential customers.

This dream has been long in coming and I am ready.

Ready for a change.

Ready to make a difference.

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